high five!

Dinnertime can be pretty fun around here!

Hutch loves giving high fives (to anyone and everyone he meets) and he is pretty proud of his high ten as you can see! The sound of a dog (or a train or a motorcycle) in the distance will draw his attention immediately. He loves making animal sounds. A few of our favorites are his elephant, dino and owl… a few that, unfortunately, were forgotten in this video. I guess we’ll have to make another video of those soon.


We finally took Hutch paddleboarding down in the Dana Point Harbor, and of course he loved it just like we knew (or hoped) he would. So what took us so long? Hmm. I guess just some worries about whether or not we’d get in trouble. We haven’t found any laws prohibiting taking a baby on a paddleboard… but we also haven’t found any suggesting it. Surprising, I know. We bought Hutch a life jacket months ago because the only law we could find requires children under a certain age to wear them. Well, we finally decided to just go for it!

So far, so good. The harbor patrol didn’t stop us or ticket us. Phew! I did notice a number of people taking pictures of us. Perhaps some of them were judging us, but for the most part, people were very encouraging and seemed happy to see our little family enjoying the water.

Dad wore Hutch on his back and Hutch just relaxed most of the time but every so often he would get super happy and laugh and kick his little legs as hard as he could… usually when he saw me paddling nearby. After we were done standing up, I sat with Hutch and let him explore the board and splash in the water a little bit.

We love having another little friend to join us on our adventures and we love watching Hutch experience each new adventure. I can’t wait to take him again soon!

I’m pretty sure these faces say “That was fun, Mom and Dad! Take me again!”

in a nutshell

We had some good fun this week!1. Swimmin’! Hutch loved hanging out with Emmianna, Reid, and lots of other friends at the Ladera water park.

2. A delicious pre-game picnic dinner with the Cotter’s.

3. Tractor time. This tractor is Hutch’s toy of the week. He loves pushing it all over the house.

4. Drum time with Micah. Bam, bam, bam!

5. Saying bye-bye to the Shaws. Have fun in South Africa. We’ll miss you these next two weeks.

6. Eating is so much fun!!

7. A beautiful morning run to the beach. We love the beach!

8. Beach volleyball at the park with the Guys, Greives and Cotters.

working girl

Top: Marshall’s; Shorts: cut-off, h-m-d jeans; Belt: thrifted; Shoes: H&M

I am once again a working girl… well at least for the next few weeks. The administrative assistant to the Community Pastor at our church is moving to Idaho… as a matter of fact they are on their way right now (we miss you already Malia, Courtney & Azariah). They haven’t hired a new assistant yet so I am filling in for the time being. So far I am loving it and there are two extra special bonuses to the job: 1. I work right next door to my husband, and 2. I get to bring Hutch with me!

Hutch hangs out in the Ergo while I prep the bulletin. He was really only in it for 5-10 minutes before he was stolen from me and passed around by other staff members. He loves that!

Hutch is such a great little “worker,” and by worker, I mean player! While dad and I are working in our offices, Hutch just plays. He crawls, he explores, he throws his ball, he chases his ball, he throws his ball, he yells at his ball, he chases his ball, he plays with his toys, he eats his snacks, he crawls to dad’s office for a visit, he crawls to my office for a visit, he naps, he wakes, and then he starts it all over again.

I told you he was a good “worker”!

And of course we take time for some fresh air and a little fun here and there!

this is me.

1. This is me. My name is Rebecca.

2. This is me and my husband. His name is Derick. I love Him!

3. This is me and my son. His name is Hutch. I love him, too

4. Again, I love him.

I am starting this blog because I think it sounds fun. It may be fairly random, but hopefully awesome! The randomness will most certainly document the many adventures of this wonderful life (1,2,3,4,5,6). It will also highlight my personal fashion and sense of style (7), which can be fairly random in itself and has been fairly lacking since Hutch’s arrival. (Hutch insists I mention his personal style (8) from time to time as well.) I’ll also post some of my own contributions to my wardrobe (9). I guess this means I better dust off my machine… because well it’s dusty… because I haven’t used it much since the arrival of our boy. Other randomnesses: yummies (10), healthies (11), house, decorating and stuff related (12), frugal-izing (13) and all the things I (we) love (14) and are thankful for!

So here goes!